# Header 1
## Header 2

And so on up to 6.	

Return once starts a new line.
Return twice (blank line) starts a new paragraph.


-> Centered text <-
-> Right-aligned ->

Also works for images and ### -> Headers <-


Generates Table of Contents from # Headers.
[TOC2] - From h2 to h6.
[TOC3] - From h3 to h6, and so on up to 6.	

- Bulleted list item a
- Bulleted list item b
    - Nested item b1

Nested lists use 4 spaces or 1 tab.

An asterisk (*) can be used instead of a dash.	

1. Numbered list item
2. Numbered list item
    1. Nested list item
    2. Nested list item	

- [ ] Checkbox 1
- [x] Checkbox 2

>> How to use quotes in Markdown?
> Just prepend text with >	


Horizontal rule, <hr>	

*not italics*

To produce a literal asterisk or any symbol used in Markdown, use backslash to escape it.	*not italics*

Header | Header
------ | ------
Cell   | Cell
Cell   | Cell

Columns can be aligned to the right with --: and centered with :--:.

Center | Right
:----: | ----:
Cell   | Cell
Cell   | Cell

!!! note Admonition title
    Admonition text

Available types: info, note, warning, danger. Defaults to warning.

!!! info
    Title or text can be skipped
Admonition title

https://rentry.co/ or rentry.co

Link description:
[Markdown pastebin](https://rentry.co)

Be sure to include the "http(s)://" part of the link.	

![Image description](https://i.imgur.com/PYV4crq.png)

Be sure to include direct link to the image.